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Interested in visiting or joining us?


We usually have 1-2 MIT and Wellesley undergraduates working with us through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). No specific prior experience or classwork is required. Past participants have gained experience in geochemistry, climate science, data analysis, GIS, field work, and Earth history. If you are interested in discussing a position, contact David.

Graduate applicants

We bring new graduate students into the group about once every two years. Some students apply through the MIT-WHOI Joint Program, and others through MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. Because paleoclimate is such an interdisciplinary field, graduate students come from a wide range of academic backgrounds, including field geology, geochemistry, climate science, and computation, and our field and our group seek to incorporate a diverse range of voices and perspectives. Please contact David if you are interested in learning what projects may be seeking graduate students soon.


Newly funded positions will be advertised on the Paleoclimate listserv (paleoclimate-list at and AGU jobs site. We are also happy to discuss hosting individuals applying for external postdoc funding (e.g., NSF, NOAA) or EAPS postdoctoral fellowships. Feel free to e-mail David to discuss potential postdoc opportunities.


We often host visiting students, postdocs and other researchers to analyze samples in our lab. See the Contact page for directions to the lab.

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